
Chrome on my account

Hi, I am looking to use Chrome Selenium on Pythonanywhere. I need it to run the below library which is looking for chrome path.

Could you please enable it for my account? Thank you!

It's already enabled -- all you need is to upgrade Selenium: (or you can upgrade your system image which has the upgraded version:

Hi pafk,

I started using the new 'glastonbury' system image, however, the error still persists. What is the path to Chrome I can refer to in my code?

dfi.export(df, 'image.png', table_conversion='chrome', chrome_path='')

I think I need to specify the Chrome path as it doesn't seem to be finding it.

Where are you running this code? If it's in a Jupyter notebook, it will not work. You can find Chromium (or Chrome Driver) executables by running which command with chromium or chromedriver.

It was in a Jupyter notebook. Its working in my .py file without any errors! Thanks!

.py file in the console?