
Update old Python packaegs

In my instance there are a lot of installed packages that I do not use and are even outdated. Just willing to know if from pythonanywhere functioning point of view is safe to remove all of them and/or to upgrade to latest version. For convenience below the list. Thank you!

~ $ pip list --outdated
Package                        Version    Latest     Type
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- -----
absl-py                        0.11.0     1.0.0      wheel
alembic                        1.4.3      1.7.5      wheel
aniso8601                      8.1.0      9.0.1      wheel
argcomplete                    1.12.2     1.12.3     wheel
argon2-cffi                    20.1.0     21.3.0     wheel
arrow                          0.17.0     1.2.1      wheel
arviz                          0.11.2     0.11.4     wheel
asgiref                        3.3.4      3.4.1      wheel
astropy                        4.2        5.0        wheel
Babel                          2.9.0      2.9.1      wheel
banal                          1.0.1      1.0.6      wheel
beautifulsoup4                 4.9.3      4.10.0     wheel
biopython                      1.78       1.79       wheel
bleach                         3.3.0      4.1.0      wheel
bokeh                          2.2.3      2.4.2      wheel
Keras                          2.4.3      2.7.0      wheel
boto3                          1.16.54    1.20.24    wheel
botocore                       1.19.54    1.23.24    wheel
BTrees                         4.7.2      4.9.2      wheel
cachetools                     4.2.2      4.2.4      wheel
cairocffi                      1.2.0      1.3.0      sdist
CairoSVG                       2.5.1      2.5.2      wheel
certifi                        2020.12.5  2021.10.8  wheel
cffi                           1.14.5     1.15.0     wheel
cftime                         1.4.1    wheel
Chameleon                      3.8.1      3.9.1      sdist
cheroot                        8.5.1      8.5.2      wheel
CherryPy                       18.6.0     18.6.1     wheel
click                          7.1.2      8.0.3      wheel
cligj                          0.7.1      0.7.2      wheel
cloudpickle                    1.6.0      2.0.0      wheel
coverage                       5.3.1      6.2        wheel
cryptography                   3.4.7      36.0.1     wheel
cycler                         0.10.0     0.11.0     wheel
Cython                         0.29.21    0.29.26    wheel
dash                           1.20.0     2.0.0      wheel
dash-core-components           1.16.0     2.0.0      sdist
dash-html-components           1.1.3      2.0.0      sdist
dash-table                     4.11.3     5.0.0      sdist
dask                           2020.12.0  2021.12.0  wheel
dataset                        1.4.3      1.5.2      wheel
decorator                      4.4.2      5.1.0      wheel
dill                           0.3.3      0.3.4      wheel
distlib                        0.3.1      0.3.4      wheel
distro                         1.5.0      1.6.0      wheel
Django                         3.2.3      4.0        wheel
django-contrib-comments        2.0.0      2.1.0      wheel
django-formtools               2.2        2.3        wheel
django-mptt                    0.11.0     0.13.4     wheel
django-treebeard               4.4        4.5.1      wheel
dlib                           19.22.0    19.22.1    sdist
docker                         4.4.1      5.0.3      wheel
docutils                       0.16       0.18.1     wheel
et-xmlfile                     1.0.1      1.1.0      wheel
extract-msg                    0.28.1     0.28.7     wheel
falcon                         2.0.0      3.0.1      wheel
feedgenerator                  1.9.1      2.0.0      wheel
feedparser                     6.0.2      6.0.8      wheel
filebrowser-safe               0.5.0      1.0.0      wheel
filelock                       3.0.12     3.4.0      wheel
Fiona                          1.8.18     1.8.20     wheel
Flask                          2.0.0      2.0.2      wheel
Flask-Admin                    1.5.7      1.5.8      sdist
Flask-Compress                 1.9.0      1.10.1     wheel
Flask-HTTPAuth                 4.2.0      4.5.0      wheel
Flask-SQLAlchemy               2.4.4      2.5.1      wheel
Flask-WTF                      0.14.3     1.0.0      wheel
flatbuffers                    1.12       2.0        wheel
formulaic                      0.2.3      0.2.4      wheel
fsspec                         2021.5.0   2021.11.1  wheel
gast                           0.4.0      0.5.3      wheel
GDAL                           3.2.2      3.4.0      sdist
gensim                         3.8.3      4.1.2      wheel
geographiclib                  1.50       1.52       wheel
geopy                          2.1.0      2.2.0      wheel
gevent                         21.1.2     21.12.0    wheel
gitdb                          4.0.5      4.0.9      wheel
GitPython                      3.1.12     3.1.24     wheel
google-api-core                1.24.1     2.3.2      wheel
google-api-python-client       1.12.8     2.33.0     wheel
google-auth                    1.24.0     2.3.3      wheel
google-auth-httplib2           0.0.4      0.1.0      wheel
google-auth-oauthlib           0.4.2      0.4.6      wheel
googleapis-common-protos       1.52.0     1.54.0     wheel
graphviz                       0.16       0.19.1     wheel
grappelli-safe                 0.5.2      1.0.0      wheel
greenlet                       1.0.0      1.1.2      wheel
grokcore.component             3.1        3.2.0      wheel
grpcio                         1.34.1     1.43.0     wheel
h2                             3.2.0      4.1.0      wheel
h5py                           3.1.0      3.6.0      wheel
hpack                          3.0.0      4.0.0      wheel
httplib2                       0.18.1     0.20.2     wheel
hupper                         1.10.2     1.10.3     wheel
hyperframe                     5.2.0      6.0.1      wheel
idna                           2.10       3.3        wheel
imageio                        2.9.0      2.13.3     wheel
imageio-ffmpeg                 0.4.3      0.4.5      wheel
imagesize                      1.2.0      1.3.0      wheel
IMAPClient                     2.1.0      2.2.0      wheel
importlib-metadata             3.4.0      4.9.0      wheel
importlib-resources            5.0.0      5.4.0      wheel
interface-meta                 1.2.3      1.2.4      wheel
ipykernel                      5.5.5      6.6.0      wheel
ipyparallel                    6.3.0      8.0.0      wheel
ipython                        7.21.0     7.30.1     wheel
ipywidgets                     5.2.3      7.6.5      wheel
isodate                        0.6.0      0.6.1      wheel
isort                          5.7.0      5.10.1     wheel
itemadapter                    0.2.0      0.4.0      wheel
jaraco.classes                 3.1.0      3.2.1      wheel
jaraco.collections             3.1.0      3.4.0      wheel
jaraco.functools               3.1.0      3.4.0      wheel
jaraco.text                    3.4.0      3.6.0      wheel
jedi                           0.18.0     0.18.1     wheel
jellyfish                      0.8.2      0.8.9      sdist
Jinja2                         3.0.1      3.0.3      wheel
joblib                         1.0.0      1.1.0      wheel
jsonschema                     3.2.0      4.3.1      wheel
jupyter-client                 6.1.12     7.1.0      wheel
jupyter-core                   4.7.1      4.9.1      wheel
Keras                          2.4.3      2.7.0      wheel
kiwisolver                     1.3.1      1.3.2      wheel
lifelines                      0.25.11    0.26.4     wheel
llvmlite                       0.36.0     0.37.0     wheel
lxml                           4.6.2      4.7.1      wheel
Mako                           1.1.3      1.1.6      wheel
Markdown                       3.3.3      3.3.6      wheel
matplotlib                     3.3.4      3.5.1      wheel
mechanize                      0.4.5      0.4.7      wheel
memory-profiler                0.58.0     0.59.0     sdist
mistune                        0.8.4      2.0.0      wheel
monotonic                      1.5        1.6        wheel
more-itertools                 8.6.0      8.12.0     wheel
mpmath                         1.1.0      1.2.1      wheel
mysql-connector-python         8.0.22     8.0.27     wheel
mysqlclient                    2.0.3      2.1.0      sdist
nbclient                       0.5.3      0.5.9      wheel
nbconvert                      6.0.7      6.3.0      wheel
nbstripout                     0.4.0      0.5.0      wheel
neo4j                          4.2.1      4.4.1      sdist
nest-asyncio                   1.5.1      1.5.4      wheel
netCDF4                        1.5.6      1.5.8      wheel
netifaces                      0.10.9     0.11.0     wheel
networkx                       2.5        2.6.3      wheel
nltk                           3.5        3.6.5      wheel
normality                      2.1.1      2.2.5      wheel
notebook                       6.1.6      6.4.6      wheel
numba                          0.53.1     0.54.1     wheel
numexpr                        2.7.2      2.8.1      wheel
numpy                          1.19.5     1.21.4     wheel
oauthlib                       3.1.0      3.1.1      wheel
opencv-contrib-python-headless   wheel
openpyxl                       3.0.5      3.0.9      wheel
packaging                      20.9       21.3       wheel
paho-mqtt                      1.5.1      1.6.1      sdist
pandas                         1.1.5      1.3.5      wheel
pandocfilters                  1.4.3      1.5.0      wheel
param                          1.10.1     1.12.0     wheel
paramiko                       2.7.2      2.8.1      wheel
parso                          0.8.2      0.8.3      wheel
pathlib2                       2.3.5      2.3.6      wheel
pathspec                       0.8.1      0.9.0      wheel
patsy                          0.5.1      0.5.2      wheel
pbr                            5.6.0      5.8.0      wheel
pdfminer.six                   20201018   20211012   wheel
peewee                         3.14.0     3.14.8     sdist
pelican                        4.6.0      4.7.1      wheel
persistent                     4.6.4      4.7.0      wheel
Pillow                         8.1.0      8.4.0      wheel
Pint                           0.16.1     0.18       wheel
pip                            21.1.2     21.3.1     wheel
pipx                    0.16.4     wheel
plotly                         4.14.3     5.4.0      wheel
pluggy                         0.13.1     1.0.0      wheel
portend                        2.7.0      3.1.0      wheel
praw                           7.1.0      7.5.0      wheel
prawcore                       1.5.0      2.3.0      wheel
prettytable                    2.0.0      2.4.0      wheel
priority                       1.3.0      2.0.0      wheel
prometheus-client              0.10.1     0.12.0     wheel
prompt-toolkit                 3.0.18     3.0.24     wheel
protobuf                       3.14.0     3.19.1     wheel
psycopg2-binary                2.8.6      2.9.2      wheel
pudb                           2020.1     2021.2.2   sdist
py                             1.10.0     1.11.0     wheel
py2neo                         2021.1.1   2021.2.3   wheel
pybind11                       2.6.2      2.8.1      wheel
pycairo                        1.20.0     1.20.1     sdist
pycodestyle                    2.6.0      2.8.0      wheel
pycparser                      2.20       2.21       wheel
pycryptodome                   3.9.9      3.12.0     wheel
pydub                          0.24.1     0.25.1     wheel
pyenchant                      3.2.0      3.2.2      wheel
pyerfa                   wheel
pyflakes                       2.2.0      2.4.0      wheel
pygal                          2.4.0      3.0.0      wheel
Pygments                       2.9.0      2.10.0     wheel
PyGObject                      3.38.0     3.42.0     sdist
pyhdf                          0.10.2     0.10.3     wheel
PyJWT                          1.7.1      2.3.0      wheel
Pykka                          2.0.3      3.0.2      wheel
pymarc                         4.1.0      4.1.2      wheel
pymongo                        3.11.2     4.0.1      wheel
pyOpenSSL                      20.0.1     21.0.0     wheel
pyparsing                      2.4.7      3.0.6      wheel
Pyphen                         0.10.0     0.11.0     wheel
pyramid                        1.10.5     2.0        wheel
Pyrogram                       1.2.18     1.2.20     wheel
pyrsistent                     0.17.3     0.18.0     wheel
pytesseract                    0.3.7      0.3.8      sdist
pytest                         6.2.1      6.2.5      wheel
python-dateutil                2.8.1      2.8.2      wheel
python-magic                   0.4.18     0.4.24     wheel
python-pptx                    0.6.18     0.6.21     sdist
python-slugify                 4.0.1      5.0.2      wheel
pytz                           2021.1     2021.3     wheel
PyVirtualDisplay               2.0        2.2        wheel
PyWavelets                     1.1.1      1.2.0      wheel
PyYAML                         5.3.1      6.0        wheel
pyzmq                          22.1.0     22.3.0     wheel
qrcode                         6.1        7.3.1      sdist
qtconsole                      5.1.0      5.2.2      wheel
QtPy                           1.9.0      1.11.3     wheel
Quandl                         3.6.0      3.7.0      wheel
queuelib                       1.6.1      1.6.2      wheel
rdflib                         5.0.0      6.0.2      wheel
redis                          3.5.3      4.0.2      wheel
regex                          2020.11.13 2021.11.10 wheel
reportlab                      3.5.67     3.6.3      wheel
requests                       2.25.1     2.26.0     wheel
requests-cache                 0.5.2      0.8.1      wheel
rsa                            4.7        4.8        wheel
s3transfer                     0.3.4      0.5.0      wheel
scikit-image                   0.18.1     0.19.1     wheel
scikit-learn                   0.24.1     1.0.1      wheel
scipy                          1.5.4      1.7.3      wheel
Scrapy                         2.5.0      2.5.1      wheel
seaborn                        0.11.1     0.11.2     wheel
selenium                       3.141.0    4.1.0      wheel
Send2Trash                     1.5.0      1.8.0      wheel
setproctitle                   1.2.1      1.2.2      wheel
setuptools                     53.0.0     59.7.0     wheel
Shapely                        1.7.1      1.8.0      wheel
shortuuid                      1.0.1      1.0.8      wheel
simplejson                     3.17.2     3.17.6     wheel
singledispatch           3.7.0      wheel
smart-open                     4.1.0      5.2.1      wheel
smmap                          3.0.4      5.0.0      wheel
snowballstemmer                2.0.0      2.2.0      wheel
sortedcontainers               2.3.0      2.4.0      wheel
soupsieve                      2.1        2.3.1      wheel
Sphinx                         3.4.3      4.3.1      wheel
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp         1.0.3      2.0.0      wheel
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml  1.1.4      1.1.5      wheel
splinter                       0.14.0     0.16.0     wheel
SQLAlchemy                     1.3.22     1.4.28     wheel
sqlparse                       0.4.1      0.4.2      wheel
stevedore                      3.3.0      3.5.0      wheel
stripe                         2.55.1     2.63.0     wheel
sympy                          1.7.1      1.9        wheel
tempora                        4.0.1      4.1.2      wheel
terminado                      0.10.0     0.12.1     wheel
textblob                       0.15.3     0.17.1     wheel
threadpoolctl                  2.1.0      3.0.0      wheel
tifffile                       2021.4.8   2021.11.2  wheel
tinycss2                       1.1.0      1.1.1      wheel
tldextract                     3.1.0      3.1.2      wheel
toolz                          0.11.1     0.11.2     wheel
torch                          1.8.1+cpu  1.10.1     wheel
torchaudio                     0.8.1      0.10.1     wheel
torchvision                    0.9.1+cpu  0.11.2     wheel
tqdm                           4.56.0     4.62.3     wheel
traitlets                      5.0.5      5.1.1      wheel
tweepy                         3.10.0     4.4.0      wheel
twilio                         6.59.0     7.4.0      wheel
Twisted                        21.2.0     21.7.0     wheel
twitter                        1.18.0     1.19.3     wheel
typed-ast                      1.4.2      1.5.1      wheel
typing-extensions       4.0.1      wheel
tzlocal                        2.1        4.1        wheel
uncertainties                  3.1.5      3.1.6      wheel
Unidecode                      1.1.2      1.3.2      wheel
uritemplate                    3.0.1      4.1.1      wheel
urllib3                        1.26.2     1.26.7     wheel
userpath                       1.4.2      1.7.0      wheel
virtualenv                     20.4.7     20.10.0    wheel
virtualenv-clone               0.5.4      0.5.7      wheel
waitress                       1.4.4      2.0.0      wheel
Wand                           0.6.5      0.6.7      wheel
WeasyPrint                     52.2       53.4       wheel
WebOb                          1.8.6      1.8.7      wheel
websocket-client               0.57.0     1.2.3      wheel
WebTest                        2.0.35     3.0.0      wheel
Werkzeug                       2.0.1      2.0.2      wheel
wheel                          0.36.2     0.37.0     wheel
wheezy.template                3.0.3      3.1.0      sdist
widgetsnbextension             1.2.6      3.5.2      wheel
wrapt                          1.12.1     1.13.3     wheel
WSGIProxy2                     0.4.6      0.5.1      wheel
WTForms                        2.3.3      3.0.0      wheel
xarray                         0.18.0     0.20.2     wheel
xgboost                        1.3.1      1.5.1      wheel
XlsxWriter                     1.3.7      3.0.2      wheel                         3.3.0      3.3.1      wheel
zc.buildout                    2.13.3     2.13.6     wheel
ZConfig                        3.5.0      3.6.0      wheel
ZEO                            5.2.2      5.2.3      wheel
zipp                           3.4.0      3.6.0      wheel
zodbpickle                     2.0.0      2.2.0      wheel
zope.authentication            4.4.0      4.5.0      wheel
zope.catalog                   4.2.1      4.3.0      wheel
zope.component                 4.6.2      5.0.1      wheel
zope.container                 4.4.0      4.5.0      wheel
zope.datetime                  4.2.0      4.3.0      wheel
zope.deferredimport            4.3.1      4.4        wheel
zope.formlib                   4.7.1      5.0.1      wheel
zope.hookable                  5.0.1      5.1.0      wheel
zope.i18n                      4.7.0      4.9.0      wheel
zope.index                     5.0.0      5.1.0      wheel
zope.intid                     4.3.0      4.4.0      wheel
zope.pagetemplate              4.5.0      4.6.0      wheel
zope.proxy                     4.3.5      4.5.0      wheel
zope.ptresource                4.2.0      4.3.0      wheel
zope.publisher                 5.2.1      6.0.2      wheel
zope.schema                    6.0.0      6.2.0      wheel
zope.securitypolicy            4.3.1      4.3.2      wheel                      4.4.0      4.5.0      wheel
zope.tal                       4.4        4.5        wheel

There are many pre-installed packages that have versions from the time system image was created. I would recommend upgrading only the ones you actually use. You would need to use --user flag.