
credit card rejected

After a period of test, I decided to buy an Hacker subscription and I've used it happily for 15 days. I buyed with no problen with my credit card, which was yust renewed by the bank. Then, I decided to give up and I deactivated that subscription. Now that a new hope cought me thinking about my project, I would like to reactivate it, but the payment procedure says my credit card (which is exactly the same of before) is declined and I'm not able to proceed as I own only one credit card (in Italy we tend to not to exagerate with credit cards... :-)). I now the card is working well as I use it even on other platforms. What can I do ?

I suggest contacting your bank and asking why the payments are being rejected. (Also, if you prefer, you can contact us via directly, so we wouldn't discuss your payments in a public forum.)

I've just used it even today... the card has no problem.

Let's continue our conversation via emails to avoid unnecessary confusion.