
files in /tmp and redis ?

Hi, I just noticed directories in my /tmp instance like tmp34wt_tb1/

There are a dozen of them, and they contains redis.config and redis.log file. some even have redis.socket.

So even though I am using redislite in my python flask app, I don't use redis. Can I? My redislite config is using a simple file to store data.

What is creating these files ?

Digging into this, I noticed that I can run an instance of redis (redis-server). Can I use it for my python app ? Do I need to run redis as a long running task ?

You won't be able to use regular Redis unless you use an external service. Otherwise, stick with redislite. I do not know what created that tmp files but it was something running on your account.

Yes. Sorry. I Just found the same tmpxxxx directories in my dev machine in /tmp too. That should be redislite or something related.

Yes, that sounds likely.