
OSError: read past end of file


I have a data frame that I am trying to save as a PNG image on PythonAnywhere. For now its the same directory as the Jupyter notebook, but I will try to save it in a separate directory later. However, I am getting the OSError: read past end of file.

Not sure how to proceed with this issue.

df = pd.DataFrame('data')

dfi.export(df, 'img.png')

Error trace below :

SError                                   Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-8a07a1ef9b89> in <module>
     31 playermatches_df = playermatches_df[["goals", "assists", "h_team", "a_team", "date", "season", "xG", "xA", "h_goals", "a_goals", "time"]]
     32 df = playermatches_df.query("h_team == @opposition or a_team == @opposition")
---> 33 dfi.export(df, 'img.png')

~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dataframe_image/ in export(obj, filename, fontsize, max_rows, max_cols, table_conversion, chrome_path)
     22 def export(obj, filename, fontsize=14, max_rows=None, max_cols=None, 
     23                table_conversion='chrome', chrome_path=None):
---> 24         return _export(obj, filename, fontsize, max_rows, max_cols, table_conversion, chrome_path)

~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dataframe_image/ in _export(obj, filename, fontsize, max_rows, max_cols, table_conversion, chrome_path)
     71         html = obj.to_html(max_rows=max_rows, max_cols=max_cols, notebook=True)
---> 73     img_str = converter(html)
     75     if isinstance(filename, str):

~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dataframe_image/ in run(self, html)
    165     def run(self, html):
    166         self.html = self.css + html
--> 167         img = self.take_screenshot()
    168         img_str = self.finalize_image(img)
    169         return img_str

~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dataframe_image/ in take_screenshot(self)
    118         buffer = io.BytesIO(img_bytes)
--> 119         img = mimage.imread(buffer)
    120         return self.possibly_enlarge(img)

/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/matplotlib/ in imread(fname, format)
   1434                 return handler(fd)
   1435     else:
-> 1436         return handler(fname)

/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/matplotlib/ in read_png(*args, **kwargs)
   1388     def read_png(*args, **kwargs):
   1389         from matplotlib import _png
-> 1390         return _png.read_png(*args, **kwargs)
   1392     handlers = {'png': read_png, }

OSError: read past end of file

That's a really strange error -- you're trying to write an image file, but the error seems to suggest that it's reading it. Is there already a file with that filename in the directory you're writing to? It would be worth double-checking that the current working directory is the one you expect it to be, as it might not be the same as the directory containing the notebook -- running the !pwd command will tell you what it is.