
Using another user’s MySQL database


I have one user account on the European version of PythonAnywhere and one user account on the US version. Both accounts are free.

I have set up a MySQL database under the EU account and I wonder whether I can access this database from my Django app that is on the US version. Is it allowed in the firewall that prevents ssh access for free accounts? If not, would it be possible if both accounts were on the EU servers?

Thanks for any advice!:)

You should be able to to connect to a different account's MySQL database from PythonAnywhere in the same cluster (assuming you have the credentials). So the solution would be migrating your account to our EU servers or creating a new one there. If you'd like to migrate an existing account, please drop us a message at

Thank you for your answer. I will probably just create a new EU account, the web app doesn’t take that long to set up. Thanks.

Sure, thanks for letting us know!